Motorists set new record by driving 1.5 trillion miles in first half of 2015
The Trucker News Service
WASHINGTON — New estimates released Thursday by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) show that U.S. driving topped 1.54 trillion miles in the first half of 2015, beating the previous record — 1.5 trillion, set in June 2007. This is more than double the amount driven during the same period in 1981, continuing a trend of America’s driving mileage doubling nearly every generation.
The new data, published in FHWA’s latest “Traffic Volume Trends” report, a monthly estimate of U.S. road travel, show that 275.13 billion miles were driven last June, the most ever in June of any year and the highest VMT for the first half of any year — reaffirming calls for increased investment in transportation infrastructure as demand on the nation’s highway system grows.
According to FHWA’s report, the nation’s driving has increased for 16 months in a row.
The June 2015 report also includes seasonally-adjusted data, which enable VMT comparisons with May or any other month in any year, from the USDOT’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Analysis of seasonally-adjusted VMT is an alternative to analysis of unadjusted VMT, which traditionally uses comparisons of a month to the same month in previous years to determine trends.
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