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Certified Escort Driver

Overview of Arizona Law

Every person operating an escort vehicle (pilot car) must be trained and certified in safety best practices for escorting over-dimensional loads. The training curriculum involves the Pilot Car Escort Best Practices Guidelines developed cooperatively by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) and the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association (SC&RA). Escort vehicle operators who do not possess a valid Arizona Escort Vehicle Operator certificate, or a valid certificate from any of the other nine states (listed below) that require certification may be cited and the load they are escorting placed out of service. For more information regarding rules and regulations of Overdimensional Permits see Arizona Administrative Code Title 17. Transportation Chapter 6.

Arizona Trucking Association is an Authorized Training Entity

The Arizona Trucking Association offers Escort Vehicle Operator training and certification, issues the recognized certification cards and maintains the database of certified operators that is accessible to enforcement officers and companies hiring pilot car services. Certification is valid for four (4) years.

Click below to view database of currently certified operators. Names of newly certified and re-certified escort vehicle operators are entered as soon as they receive the required training, while those who fail to maintain their certification are dropped from the list. Enforcement officers utilize the database to determine whether escort vehicle operators are currently certified.

Click here to view data base of ATA certified drivers as of 12/13/2024.

Testing and Credentials

Following completion of training classes, each applicant must pass a written test covering the best practices and traffic control subject matter and must score 80% to pass. Successful applicants then are issued a signed and laminated Pilot Car Certification Card and their names and card numbers entered into the statewide database. Neither the Arizona Trucking Association nor its instructors guarantee that an individual will pass the exam and receive certification.

The next class is scheduled for Friday, March 7, 2025. Click here to register.

Classes are held quarterly. Please see our calendar of events for all dates.

Most Pilot Car training classes are held quarterly at the Arizona Trucking Association, but groups of 15 or more participants may qualify for onsite training depending upon availability of instructional staff. Call us at 602-850-6004 to discuss onsite class scheduling.

Class price is $245.00. ATA members receive a $20.00 discount.  Please call the ATA using the number on the registration form if you do not receive a confirmation that your payment was processed in 48 hours.

Acceptance of Other States’ Credentials

Escort vehicle operators already trained and certified by another state that requires both best practices and traffic control training may present that state’s certificate to law enforcement officials as proof of valid certification, as long as the certificate is valid in the certifying state.

*Other states that require escort vehicle/pilot car operator training and certification are: Colorado; Florida; Kansas; Minnesota, New York; North Carolina; Oklahoma; Utah; Virginia; and Washington.

Rules and Documents

Click Here for a PDF entitled “Pilot Car Operator Rules”. This 10-page document outlines the requirements that were put into rule in September 2006, based on Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) 28-1110.

Click Here to view the the 4-page document of changes that were put into rule in September 2009, based on amendments to Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) 28-1110.

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