Arizona’s Daniel Voelker Named NAIC Grand Champion
INDIANAPOLIS — Arizona Department of Public Safety trooper Daniel Voelker has been named grand champion of the 2016 North American Inspectors Championship.
Voelker, 39, was presented the Jimmy K. Ammons Award, the highest honor for roadside inspectors, at a ceremony here Aug. 12.
Voelker has been in law enforcement for nearly 17 years, but a highway patrolman since 2006. He has been a commercial motor vehicle inspector since 2011.
Voelker won three other awards, including first place in the North American Standard Level I Inspection category, second place in the North American Standard Hazardous Materials/Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Cargo Tank/Bulk Packagings Inspection category, and first place in the United States High Points category.
“When they called my name, I thought it was a misprint,” Voelker said. “I’m just blown away right now.” He attributes his success, in part, to being consistent in following correct inspection protocol.
“But what helped me the most was being an instructor,” Voelker said. “I’m also a master instructor for the National Training Center. Not only are you helping the students that are new to the industry learn, but you learn something from every single class that you teach.”
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