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TMC Seeks Input From Fleet Members On NATEF Technician Training

TMC Seeks Input From Fleet Members on NATEF Technician Training

TMC_187smThe National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF) has begun its effort to update the Medium/Heavy duty Truck technician task list. There are more than 100 diesel technician programs across the country (in both secondary and post-secondary institutions) that follow the NATEF provided task list to train their students to become future technicians.

As potential employers of these future technicians, TMC’s Educator Committee is supporting this effort and asking you to review the current task list and provide feedback. Are the current tasks what you are expecting your incoming, entry-level technicians to be able to perform? Are there tasks/skills missing from this list?

Please continue to complete the survey. The data gathered will help guide the NATEF task update discussion at TMC’s 2017 Annual Meeting, Feb. 27-March 2 in Nashville, Tenn.

It is vital that industry informs the skills taught in school Medium/Heavy Duty truck programs. We can’t do it without your input!

Complete our survey on this matter by February 3, 2017 by clicking here.

Thank you for supporting this important effort.


TMC’s Educator Committee



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