The ELD Frequently Asked Questions have been updated with the following two additions to the Editing and Annotations category.
Can a driver be assigned driver records recorded under the Unidentified Driver profile and indicate a special driving category at the time the driver is assigned the driver records?
Yes, a driver can be assigned unidentified driver records recorded under the Unidentified Driver profile and indicate a special driving category. However, an ELD must not allow automatically recorded driving time for a driver to be shortened or altered in any way.
Can a driver edit their records after erroneously accepting a driving event that was originally recorded under the Unidentified Driver profile?
Yes, a driver can edit their record after erroneously accepting a driving event that was originally recorded under the Unidentified Driver profile. The ELD must prompt the driver to annotate edits. In addition, the carrier can suggest the edit which can be routed to the driver for confirmation.
To read more frequently asked questions related to ELDs, visit the FMCSA website. |