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ATA Officers & Board of Directors

Under ATA’s bylaws, the Officers and Board of Directors have the authority and responsibility for ATA’s governance and policy direction in legislative and regulatory issues. A nominating committee headed by the Immediate Past Chairman selects board member nominees biennially with elections occurring at the annual membership meeting in odd-numbered years. Those listed below were elected at the membership meeting held October 2, 2023.

Officers and directors serve a two-year term. The ATA Board meets at least three times a year, as well as at the membership meeting. An Executive Committee, consisting of the six elected officers and up to ten members selected by the Chairman of the Board, meets in lieu of the full Board upon the call of the Chairman. Board meetings are open to all ATA members.

2023-2025 ATA Officers


Xavier Ortega*

Immediate Past Chairman



Doug Dwiggins*


Vice President of Operations


Parker Hancock*

Vice Chairman

Vice President – General Manager


Mike Yadon*


Government Affairs


Collin Stewart*

State VP to American Trucking Associations



Mark Doughty*

Alternate VP to American Trucking Associations

President & Chief Operating Officer


Tony Bradley

Secretary to the Board (Non-Voting)

President & CEO

ATA Directors at Large

David  Arbizu, White Moutain Trucking, LLC

Ryan Barney, Barney Trucking Inc.

Mike Barr, Cummins Inc.
Donald Blake, Inland Kenworth, Inc.
Rich Bren, Transtar Insurance Brokers, Inc.
Justin Clarke, F|Staff
Mike Clinkingbeard, W.W. Williams
Adis Danan, JoyRide Logistics LLC

George Cravens*, Utility Trailer Sales Co. of AZ
Gary Doyle, Baumann, Doyle, Paytas & Bernstein, PLLC
Ron Eddleman, McKee Foods Transportation, LLC
Benjee Elder, Updike Distribtion Logistics, LLC

Jeff Gennaro, Capitol Insurance Brokers
Byron Haught, TransLease, Inc.

Mike Hilburn, Fairchild Freight LLC

Steve Hitchcock, Duncan and Son Lines, Inc.
Bill Hudnall, Walmart Supply Chain
Scott “Hutch” Hutchings, Waste Management
Micheal Jimenez*, J & L Transportation, Inc.
Robert Knapp, Vanguard Truck Center
Mike Kunde*, Doudell Trucking Co.
Chris Lynberg*, Transtar Insurance Brokers
Bruce MacRae* UPS

PJ Miller, Diamond Trucking, Inc.
TJ Morgan, Citizen Auto Stage Co./Citizen Express Lines
Tim Noeding, Velocity Truck Centers
Rick Owens*, United Petroleum Transports

Matt Planeta, Heffernan Insurance Brokers

Doug Prall, HDS, Inc.

Josh Proctor, Dircks Moving & Logistics
Shon Rasmussen, RWC Group
Chris Ryan, Rush Truck Centers
Mike Shannon, Empire Truck & Trailer
Dennis Stapleton, Empire Transport

Russ Thompson, Secured Land Transport
Kyle Wilkes, Crane Rental Service Inc.

Dave Williams*, Knight-Swift Transportation
Sean Williams, Southwest Truck Driver Training, Inc.

Larry Woolson*, T.R.E.A.D.
Chris Zwierzynski, Z Trucking, LLC

(*member 2023-2025 Executive Committee)

Directors Emeritus

David Berry

Douglas Burkard

Robert “Chip” Dircks

Richard Duncan, Duncan and Son Lines, Inc.

Richard Dungan

Bruce E. Dusenberry, Horizon Moving Systems

William Ewing

Steve Goodrich

Richard Landis

Clyde McDonald

Harold Merkel

Jim Miller

A.E. Minard

Tom Morgan, Citizen’s Auto Stage

Kiki Rodriguez, Citizen Auto Stage Co./Citizen Express Lines

Freeman Theriault

Bart Wilson

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