Message from the SMC Chairman Becky Thiessen
The Safety and Maintenance Council (SMC) of the Arizona Trucking Association (ATA) has and will continue to provide a forum to share information and programs to promote safety among its members. Along with bimonthly meetings that allow topics of interest to be shared, the council supports three safety driven programs.
The largest safety event of the year is the Truck Driving and Step Van Championships (TDC). This year’s event was a huge success due to a great TDC committee as well as all the volunteers who put in countless hours before the event and the day of the event. This year there were 168 professional drivers who competed across nine classes of competition. We wish the winner of each of those classes the best of luck as they represent Arizona at the National Truck Driving Competitions held this year in St. Louis, MO August 11 – 15.
Next on the agenda is the annual RoadCheck safety event. ATA members are invited to participate in this event set for June 1-3 in the Flagstaff area. Arizona’s commercial enforcement and outreach emphasis will once again be conducted along Interstate 40 near Bellemont and out on the road by roving patrols. Members are encouraged to attend and participate, but you must sign up in advance. This is an excellent opportunity for Transportation Managers, Safety Coordinators, Compliance Program Manager, Business Managers, Owners as well as Maintenance and Technician personal. ATA has reserved a block of 15 rooms at the Courtyard Marriott at the rate of $91/night (includes breakfast), but you must make your own reservations.
Also in June on the agenda is the Annual SuperTech Competition which allows the spotlight to be on the best technicians employed by ATA allied and carrier members. I think we all know that if not for the techs keeping the equipment in great running order the safety on our highways would be in jeopardy. This event is growing every year. ATA has partnered with Universal Technical Institute (UTI) in Avondale to host this competition. There will be a STC meeting held at the ATA on May 8th at 2:00 pm. The competition will be on June 27th at UTI. Click here for the information sheet and registration form to enter your technicians. Volunteers are also need.
Be safe!!
Becky Thiessen
Chairwoman, SMC