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ACTION REQUESTED: Charitable Giving Survey

ACTION REQUESTED: Charitable Giving Survey

January 24, 2017

Dear ATA [Federation] Members:

As President Trump begins his first week in office and a new Congress is hard at work, we would like to educate our elected officials not only on how safe we are as an industry, but also on what a caring and compassionate industry we are.

When we begin a meeting with those in office and share how we spend over $9.5 billion on safety enhancements each year to help bring highway fatalities to zero, we will follow by citing the billions spent by our industry on charity.  In order to tell our story, we will need your help in putting those numbers, and charitable efforts, together.

We have commissioned the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) to survey the industry to quantify how much trucking gives to charity each year, and to identify what types of charities the industry supports.

Once we have those results, we will begin identifying – through a newly established industry foundation – the top charities that best reflect our industry’s charitable giving priorities.  We will invite industry representatives and elected officials to serve on the foundation Board of Directors and use the foundation to further tell our story and take credit for all the good work you already do.  This new foundation will continue to allow trucking’s voice to be heard.

Please take a few minutes to complete the confidential survey below to add your charitable giving to the trucking industry’s total for 2016.  We are collecting not just corporate giving of the industry, but also individual giving, so please encourage your employees to also participate.


Thank you not only for your time, but for all you do for our communities across the country.


Chris Spear
President and CEO
American Trucking Associations

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