The Arizona Trucking Association Opposes Prop 207
Prop 207 not safe for driving public or workers
Tolleson, AZ, Oct. 15, 2020 – The Arizona Trucking Association announces its full opposition to Proposition 207, the initiative to legalize recreational marijuana.
“The safety of our drivers and employees is paramount. Proposition 207 is not safe for Arizona’s drivers or workers. The initiative is written for the benefit of the marijuana industry to the detriment of Arizona’s other industries. It would weaken both current marijuana DUI laws and employer protections, making it more difficult to get impaired drivers off the road and impaired employees out of the workplace,” said President and CEO, Tony Bradley.
“We take seriously our role in representing our members and serving as the industry’s primary voice in Arizona on transportation and other public policy issues. If Prop 207 were to pass, it would hinder the safety of Arizona’s truckers and the ability of the employers we represent to keep their workplaces safe. In a time when Arizona is looking to attract business and revitalize our economy, this policy would likely have the effect of discouraging new business. With these significant concerns in mind, we urge Arizonans to vote no on Prop 207.”
Learn more at https://no207az.com