Event Information:
Wed09Sep2020Thu10Sep2020Bellmonte, AZ
Arizona Roadcheck 2020 with DPS
About this Event
ROADCHECK 2020 - September 9-10, 2020 , Flagstaff/Bellemont, AZ
Through our partnership with the Arizona Department of Public Safety, ATA is able to observe roadside inspections during this nationwide detail. This is a perfect opportunity for owners, management staff, safety coordinators, technicians or other operational personnel to see first hand how inspections are done on a daily basis. You will learn how to improve your practices to become safer truckers and/or gain first hand knowledge of the inspection process regarding truckers.
Our Carrier and Allied members are encouraged to attend, but you must sign up in advance!
There are two types of observations:
1) REST AREA OBSERVER - Observe the inspection process at the Parks Rest Area (located West of Bellemont, AZ). This give you a first hand look at the inspection process from A-Z. You will be able to shadow an inspector as they conduct inspections of various trucks stopped in the area.
2) RIDE ALONG WITH DPS OFFICER - We have a limited number of ride along position available for civilian observers. You will get the opportunity to ride with an officer and see what they see as they do their job paroling the highway. **This will require a background check. You must fill out and return the application and DPS liability waiver form. Only a limited number of slots will be available. You will be contacted once selections have been made.
Registration is FREE but necessary for each participate.
ATA would like to thank Diamond Trucking for once again opening their terminal this year for us use as a launching point for Roadcheck!